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Choreography by Rita Judas

Children and Family Program, premiered on April 4, 2014, at Auditório Fernando Lopes-Graça, Almada


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This show looks to revive interest in a type of activity that strengthens family and community ties and contributes to people's emotional wellbeing. "Reconnected" attempts to recreate, through the various phases of the traditional farming cycle, an ecologically sound community lifestyle.

This choreographed piece was inspired by the theme of traditional agriculture, every day increasingly more important, especially in urban areas. This piece is aimed at sensitizing children and young people to important issues that will shape their adult lives, especially awareness of environmental issues, being at one with all living things, reconciliating people and society with Mother Nature, and the social value of working together as a team and of community life.

By following the phases of the traditional agricultural cycle, from ploughing the land through to harvest time, celebrating that harvest festival, we are trying to recreate a healthy community and ecological experience, often hampered by social fragmentation, personal isolation and the artificialness which characterises a modern, industrialised society.


About the Coreographer

Rita Judas studied at Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional and Escola Superior de Dança. In 1987 she began her career as a dancer in UPE Dança with the choreographer Vasco Wallenkamp. She was a dancer and choreographer at the Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo, (1998-2007), being responsible for their educational program between 2001 and 2006. As a dancer and co-choreographer she participated in the Companhia CIM project, (Companhia Integrada Multidisciplinar), in collaboration with the Associação VO'Arte and Associação Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral. Took part in the BY- PASS project, (workshop of architecture in connection with body movement), under the orientation of Rui Horta in Portugal and Germany. She was an intructor in Movimento Criativo e Dança Contemporânea in the creation project at the Centro de Experimentação Artística do Vale da Amoreira. She's currently an instructor at the Centro Juvenil do Monte da Caparica and a teacher in primary and dance schools.


Artistic and technical data

Choreography and music research: Rita Judas
Co-creation and performance (original cast): Beatriz Rousseau, Bruno Duarte, Daniela Andana, Joana Puntel, Luís Malaquias, Mariana Romão, Miguel Santos and Nuno Gomes
Lighting design: Cláudia Rodrigues
Wardrobe: Fab Dance Knitwear, Companhia de Dança de Almada
Scenery: Francisco Araújo
Sound design: Carlos Gomes
Choreographer's assistant and rehearsals: Maria João Lopes



Cineteatro Municipal João Mota, Sesimbra - Portugal, December 6, 2015

Festa do Avante, Seixal - Portugal, September 5th, 2015

Cineteatro Municipal de Castro Verde, Castro Verde - Portugal, May 16th, 2015

Auditório Municipal Augusto Cabrita, Barreiro - Portugal, May, 3rd, 2015

Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança - Portugal, April 28th, 2015

Teatro de Vila Real. Vila Real, Vila Real - Portugal, March 6th and 7th,2015

Auditório Fernando Lopes-Graça, Almada - Portugal, January 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 2015

Casa da Cultura - Teatro Stephans, Marinha Grande - Portugal, December 14th, 2014

Centro Cultural da Malaposta, Odivelas - Portugal, October 16th, 2014

Auditório Fernando Lopes Graça / Parque Palmela, Cascais, Portugal, April 19th, 2014

Auditório Fernando Lopes-Graça, Almada, Portugal, April 9th, 2014

Auditório Fernando Lopes-Graça, Almada, Portugal, April 4th , 2014 (premier)


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60' | ages 3 and over


Rua Manuel de Sousa Coutinho, 11

2800-163 Almada, Portugal

Tel: +351 212 583 175

E-mail: geral(@)

Mon. to Fri., 10AM to 1PM | 2:30PM to 6PM

Ca.DA Escola

Rua Manuel de Sousa Coutinho, 11

2800-163 Almada, Portugal

Tel: +351 212 500 145

E-mail: escola(@)

Mon. to Fri., 4PM to 8PM

Quinzena de Dança de Almada International Dance Festival

E-mail: quinzena(@)



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