Choreography by Bruno Duarte and Daniela Andana
Emerging Choreographers Program, debuted June 20th 2015 in Casa da Cerca, Almada
Photograph kindly loaned by Flor Salgueiro
“Não lugar”
For there to be movement it is necessary to apply force on a given body. The force applied depends on the body weight applying force. The resulting speed of interaction between objects and or bodies is variable depending on the point where the force was applied. At a given space, the greater the number of bodies, the greater the likelihood of interaction between these bodies, creating force and speed.
About the coreographer
Daniela Andana is currently studying for her Master’s degree in Artes Cénicas at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, she has a degree in Physical Education from Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (2005), and in Dance from Escola Superior de Dança (2008), having completed the last semester in Danshogskolan, Sweden, where she worked with Camilla Ekelof.
At the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana she participated in Projecto Eurodanse, choreographed by Wayne McGregor, with a final presentation in Ireland in 2002.
In Escola Superior de Dança, she performed pieces by the following choreographers: Rui Horta, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Mercê Cunningham, Marta Graham, Vasco Valenkamp, and worked professionally with Amélia Bentes, Claire Pençak and Ludger Lamers.
She has participated in workshops/performances with the following teachers and choreographers: Cristina Planas Leitão, Hélder Seabra, Filipa Francisco, Margarida Mestre, Teresa Ranieri, Maria José Bernardino, Peter Michael Dietz, Luís Xarez, Amélia Bentes, Stephan Jurgens, Arlett Huntz, Will Swanson, and Natalia Timonaeva.
As a professional dancer she took part in performances for children between 2006 and 2011. In the year of 2010, she joined Companhia de Dança de Almada as a professional dancer, where she remains to this day.
As a choreographer she created “Para Além da Imagem”, (2009) and “Acasos”, (2011). In 2011, she co-authored the piece “Galileu” with Beatriz Rousseau, the début of which was during the 19th Quinzena de Dança de Almada. She also presented this work in Sesimbra, Lisbon, Coimbra and Zagreb.
Artistic and technical data
Choreography: Daniela Andana
Text: Nitin Sawhney
Performance (original cast): Beatriz Rousseau, Bruno Duarte, Joana Puntel, Luís Malaquias, Mariana Romão, Miguel Santos and Nuno Gomes
Musical selection and montage: Daniela Andana
Wardrobe: Vanessa Monteiro
Choreographic assistant: Maria João Lopes
I look at you from afar, above the horizon, and hold onto the idea that one day I’ll capture your essence in a small glass bottle.
About the Coreographer
Bruno Duarte began his studies in Dance with teachers Nuno Carvalho, (Hip hop) and Claudia Cardoso, (Modern Dance) in Leiria. In 2009 he entered the Escola Superior de Dança in Lisbon, from which he graduated in 2012. During his degree he was an ERASMUS student in ArtEZ Dance Academy, Holland. Professionally he’s been a freelance dancer and danced with Companies namely the pieces "displaced episodes" by Margarida Belo Costa for BoxNova at CCB, (Centro Cultural de Belem); "Casa do Rio" and "Muito Chão" by Benvindo Fonseca, "Todo para sempre é agora" by Ricardo Ambrózio, "Re-ligações" by Rita Judas and "Jogos de Letras" by Nuno Gomes, all for Companhia de Dança de Almada; "Swan Lake" by Daniel Cardoso for Quórum Ballet, "Step One" by Margarida Belo Costa for the Centro Cultural das Caldas da Rainha. Was co-producer and performer in the video dances, "P43", presented at the 20th Quinzena de dança de Almada and ".5" presented in Portugal, Bélgica, Mexico, Brasil, and Germany, amongst others, winning, at the InShadow festival, (Portugal), the Public’s Choice prize for best video dance in the competition. As a creator has presented the pieces, "someone else ago", for Boxnova at CCB, "metamorfose" for Culturgest, "overflow" for the EPC Dance Company and "Riot" for Companhia de Dança de Almada. He is currently part of Companhia de Dança de Almada, and a teacher in Ca.DA Escola.
Artistic and technical data
Choreography: Bruno Duarte
Performance: Beatriz Coutinho, Carlota Sela, Inês Coimbra, Íris Fonseca, Luana Correia, Lúcia Salgueiro, Maria Inês Costa, Mariana Dias, Mariana Gaspar, Rita Pires, Sara Duarte and Teresa Ramos, students from Escola da Companhia de Dança de Almada
Musical selection and montage: Bruno Duarte
Set design and props: Bruno Duarte and performers
Wardrobe: Vanessa Monteiro
Choreographic assistant: Maria João Lopes