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Choreography by Beatriz Rousseau and Daniela Andana

New Coreographers Program 2011, Premiered at Octobre 15, 2011, in the jardim do Museu da Cidade de Almada.


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Based upon the short story by Patrício Troncal (Hugo Mário), "Galileu, o rapaz triste, muito triste, que matou Ernesto Vrum", ("Galileu, the very sad boy who killed Ernesto Vrum"), it wants to show the specific characteristics of this special boy.


"Galileu" is about a wish that can't come true, and that becomes an obsession. The characters who are born from the short story is Galileu and an reflected image of what he cannot become, but wants to achieve.


The opposites are constant; you have simultaneously delight and loving, opposed by frustration and a heavy sense of despair. The obsession is revealed through the form of lucid dreaming, driving him to eventually accepting and being resigned to it.


About the Coreographers

Beatriz Fernandes Rousseau was born in Lisbon, Portugal, on December 15, 1988. She began her ballet studies in 1999 under the guidance of Margarida de Abreu. From 2006 to 2008 she participated as a performer in the shows "Nutcracker", "Cinderella" and "Noite de Zarzuelas", in Funchal with the Companhia de Dança da Madeira, (Madeira Dance Company), under the guidance of Carlos Fernandes and Marta Atayde. In 2007, she worked with the companhia Dançarte, (Dançarte company) where she was part of the project, "Segredo de Chá". In 2008, worked with Companhia Vortice Dance, (Vortice Dance Company), performing in "Aquarius" and "Sleeping Buddha". In 2009 graduated in dance from Escola Superior de Dança and joined Companhia de Dança de Almada, (Almada Dance Company), under the guidance of Maria Franco, where she worked with the choreographers Nuno Gomes, Ana Macara and Benvindo Fonseca. She has also worked under the following teachers: Maria João Salomão, José Grave, Yuri Chantal, Rui Reis, Victor Garcia, Ruth Silk, Cristina Graça, Paulo Manso, César Moniz, Amélia Bentes, Alexey Fokine, Teresa Ranieri, Margarida Bettencourt, Guilherme Dias e Sílvia Nevjinsky.

Daniela Andana has a degree in Physical Education from Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (2005), and in Dance from Escola Superior de Dança (2008), having completed the last semester in Danshogskolan, Sweden, where she worked with Camilla Ekelof. In Escola Superior de Dança, highlights included her work with Amélia Bentes, Claire Pençak and Ludger Lamers. She has participated in workshops/performances with different teachers and choreographers, principally Hélder Seabra, Filipa Francisco, Margarida Mestre, Teresa Ranieri, Maria José Bernardino, Peter Michael Dietz, Stephan Jurgens, Arlett Huntz, Wayne Mcgregor, Will Swanson, and Natalia Timonaeva. As a dancer she took part in performances for children, and since 2010 has danced with Companhia de Dança de Almada. As a choreographer she created "Para Além da Imagem" (2009) and "Acasos" (2011). In 2011, she co-authored the piece "Galileu" with Beatriz Rousseau, the début of which was during the 19.ª Quinzena de Dança de Almada.

Artistic and technical overview:

Creation and performance: Beatriz Rousseau, Daniela Andana

Music: Anja Garbarek, Arvo Pärt, Michael Galasso, Naragonia, Gustavo Santaolalla, Paris Cafe

Sound: Daniela Andana

Costumes: Daniela Andana, Diana Rodrigues


Praça do Mercado 1º de Maio, Barreiro-Portugal, August 31, 2013
Festival / Zrinjevac Park, Zagreb - Croatia, April 29, 2013
Biblioteca Municipal Orlando Ribeiro, Lisboa-Portugal, July 10, 2012


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Galileu foto 19


20' | everyone 


Rua Manuel de Sousa Coutinho, 11

2800-163 Almada, Portugal

Tel: +351 212 583 175

E-mail: geral(@)

Mon. to Fri., 10AM to 1PM | 2:30PM to 6PM

Ca.DA Escola

Rua Manuel de Sousa Coutinho, 11

2800-163 Almada, Portugal

Tel: +351 212 500 145

E-mail: escola(@)

Mon. to Fri., 4PM to 8PM

Quinzena de Dança de Almada International Dance Festival

E-mail: quinzena(@)



dgartes horizontal PB cinza fundos escuros